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 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.

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HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitimeDim 23 Sep - 21:26

Heathcliff Eliott Gallagher
« and i will try to fix you »

    NomGallagher Prénoms Heathcliff Eliott Date de naissance20 mai 1993 Âge19 ans Etudeshistoire Statut Socialcélibataire Avatarjosh hutcherson Groupei'll be there for you Crédittumblr
Questions pour les enfants
Quelle relation entretenez-vous avec vos parents ? Je m'entends vraiment très bien avec mes parents. En fait, on était six enfants dans ma famille, ce qui fait que tout le monde devait mettre la main à la patte, et mes parents ont toujours été très présents, du coup, que ce soit avec mes parents ou avec mes frères et sœurs, je me suis toujours bien entendu avec tout le monde.Mais mes parents, je leurs en serais à toujours reconnaissant pour nous avoir élevé, moi et mes frères et sœurs.
Quel a été votre plus grand conflit ?
Quel est votre meilleure prétexte pour une sortie ou de l’argent ?
Quel a été le moment le plus embarrassant dans votre vie d’enfant ?
Quelle est votre meilleure combine pour sortir en douce ?
Comment on fait les bébés ?

My Story
histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes. histoire. 25 lignes.

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Dernière édition par Heathcliff E. Gallagher le Lun 24 Sep - 14:46, édité 3 fois
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Morgan L. Moriarty
Morgan L. Moriarty

HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Tumblr_lstqs0lmAn1qdq0qfo2_250
✖ MESSAGES : 249

HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitimeLun 24 Sep - 6:56

Bienvenue HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2680782864 :01: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2680782864 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2965971428
Bonne chance pour ta fiche, si tu as besoin de quoique ce soit, je suis là mrgreen
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HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitimeLun 24 Sep - 10:31

Bienvenue parmi nous. :01:
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Diana E. Thorne
Diana E. Thorne

HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Tumblr_mpaq0rP9zW1rshr5to8_250
✖ MESSAGES : 341

HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitimeLun 24 Sep - 13:25

Bienvenue sur le forum Heath HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2598960201 I love you HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2680782864
c'est à quel moment qu'on se marie ensemble ?!
Si tu as besoin, n'hésite SURTOUT pas HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 337664734 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 4153354820
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HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitimeLun 24 Sep - 13:51

Wouhou quel accueil ! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 324581347 merci les gens ♥️
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HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitimeLun 24 Sep - 17:52

Avatar et Pseudo parfait HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2204776357 Bienvenuuuue HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 4067839850
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HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitimeMar 25 Sep - 15:42

Bienvenue HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 239769179
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HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitimeMer 26 Sep - 15:43

HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1224822932 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1224822932

HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 149973538 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 815490281 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1411664268 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1034520638 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1726470506 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2970661624 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 4187223284 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 3381738714 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 3915845447
Qu'est-ce que je l'aime ! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2680782864 En plus dans Hunger Games, il était tellement omfjiohuhvgyfg ! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 3915845447 Et puis ce scénario, il déchire quoi !! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 847004189 Nan mais sérieux, Josh quoi !! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1933675416 C'est quand même grâce à lui que Katniss est passé pour une méchante dans le film même si dans le livre, c'était aussi le cas ! mdr Mais en Peeta, il était tellement OMG ! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 309505242 Ouais bon je vais m'arrêter là ! mdr Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne suite pour ta fiche ! I love you
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HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitimeDim 30 Sep - 16:21

Jomeurs devant ton avatar... HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 4209083858 I love you Anyway, je suis ici pour te rappeler que ça fait une semaine que tu as posté ta fiche et qu'elle n'est toujours pas terminée. Nous voudrions donc savoir où tu en es et si tu désires un délais pour la compléter. HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2680782864 Fais le nous savoir. HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2550114365
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HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitimeMar 9 Oct - 3:33

Rowan S. Everdeen a écrit:
HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1224822932 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1224822932

HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 149973538 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 815490281 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1411664268 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1034520638 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1726470506 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2970661624 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 4187223284 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 3381738714 HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 3915845447
Qu'est-ce que je l'aime ! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 2680782864 En plus dans Hunger Games, il était tellement omfjiohuhvgyfg ! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 3915845447 Et puis ce scénario, il déchire quoi !! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 847004189 Nan mais sérieux, Josh quoi !! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 1933675416 C'est quand même grâce à lui que Katniss est passé pour une méchante dans le film même si dans le livre, c'était aussi le cas ! mdr Mais en Peeta, il était tellement OMG ! HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 309505242 Ouais bon je vais m'arrêter là ! mdr Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne suite pour ta fiche ! I love you

HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. 3517359236 je te lève mon chapeau...... ce mec est un dieu <3
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HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.   HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them. I_icon_minitime

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HEATH ¥ Dreams change. And even if we don’t get to climb mountains, there’s still a chance that we can move them.

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